Lacquered white shelving creates an organised backdrop to this stylish seating arrangement in fashion designer Ralph Lauren's library. A great place to languish and read...
In the living room of Ralph Lauren's Manhattan duplex apartment, clean lines and everything placed at low level helps to amplify the lightness and purity of the white walls...
Expertly displayed arrangements give the apartment a unified, calm feel...
Dark floors and accessories contrast with the white and add balance. The black cashmere throw on the white sofa, from Ralph Lauren Home, adds luxury and comfort...
Another asymmetrical display creates drama and elegance...
As you would expect the kitchen is sleek and sophisticated. This time white lacquer is teamed with stainless steel...
Ralph Lauren's master bathroom has a stunning view of Central Park's reservoir. Light bounces around the reflective surfaces in the room, with Thassos marble on the floor and countertops, mirrored cabinetry combined with more white lacquer...
Photographer: William Abranowicz for Elle Decor |